24 May 2018

Privacy Policy

Posted by Alex at 10:57 pm

Records On Ribs is committed to keeping as little as possible information about people downloading, sharing and listening to our music. The personal data we do handle is to enable us to continue providing Creative Commons music and enabling as many listeners as possible to find out about it. We will never pass information onto third parties or sell your information onward.

Personal Information We Collect

  • Logging systems – we use a web server (Nginx) and a reverse proxy (Varnish) to host this website that logs IP addresses, as is the case with all websites. From those IP addresses we could derive geographic information like your location. We can also make inferences on your behaviour on this site – what pages you visited and in what order. We also use Amazon Web Services, particularly S3 and CloudFront to host our downloads. This also takes logs which can identify you through your IP address.
  • Google Analytics – we use Google Analytics. Though this data is anonymised you may be including in demographic and location categories provided in the Google Analytics interface. Your presence on certain pages of the site is recorded, as well as your path through those pages.
  • Your name, email address and mailing address if you make a purchase or a donation on this website. This is all obtained through PayPal, which is our payments provider.
  • You email address if you decide to sign up to our mailing list. We use MailChimp so we are also able if you open the email and if you click any of the links.

Please note if you listen to Records On Ribs music through streaming or downloading platforms onto which we distribute our music (for example: Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube) these platforms may be collecting further information about you. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of each of these platforms to understand what.

How We Use This Personal Information

  • We use data from logs on the rare occasion that we need to debug this site in order to find problems. In the general case we would not make any effort to tie an IP address to a location unless this IP address was involved in vexatious activity.
  • We use the data from Google Analytics to understand how users use the site and to make improvements to it based on this data.
  • We use logs from S3 and CloudFront from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to work out how many people are downloading our releases over time and where roughly they come from geographically, which is derived from their IP address. This is provided by a third party service called S3Stat which takes in AWS logs and provides a dashboard with this information.
  • We use your email address to send you email updates from Records On Ribs.
  • We use your opening and clicks from our marketing emails to establish how effective these emails have been and try to hone the messages more appropriately.

The Legal Basis For Using This Personal Information

Legitimate Interest – We believe we have a legitmate interest in using your data to understand roughly who is listening to or downloading Records On Ribs releases, where they are located and their rough demographic match. This enables us to better understand our audience and tailor marketing activity and press relations to that audience. In the end we hope this allows more people to listen to our music who would like to. It is also exciting for our artists to learn how far their music has gone.

Consent – In the case of signing up to our mailing list your explicit consent to be emailed by Records On Ribs is obtained through a two stage process facilitated by MailChimp.

Contract – If you purchase something from Records On Ribs then we use your personal data in order to send that purchase to you. This may be of interest to our artists to know their work is being sent to a particular location, but we do not process this data electronically. If you make a donation to Records On Ribs we may use this to thank you for your donation but do not use it further, outside of the marketing purposes outlined below.


In order to make Records On Ribs run we employ the following services to process your personal data noted above.

  • Google – by using Google Analytics we disclose the above noted personal information with Google Analytics. Google Analytics are fully GDPR compliant.
  • MailChimp – your information that is provide for signing up to our mailing list is used by MailChimp. MailChimp themselves are exhaustively GDPR compliant.
  • PayPal – we use PayPal to process payments to Records On Ribs in the form of donations and purchases. PayPal are themselves fully GDPR compliant.
  • Amazon Web Services – logs for downloads are hosted in S3 buckets on Amazon Web Services (AWS) meaning your IP address is on their servers but not accessable from the outside world. AWS are GDPR ready.
  • S3Stat – the logs taken by Amazon Web Services for downloads via S3 and the CloudFront are processed by S3Stat to provide information on downloads from this site. They remain in the S3 buckets hosted by Amazon Web Services, yet are handled by S3Stat which is GDPR complaint.


Our email list is an occasional marketing email sent to inform subscribers of new releases, artist news or other Records On Ribs events of interest. This service is provided by MailChimp who are themselves entirely GDPR compliant.

We add people to the mailing list on two legal bases. Either their consent, in the case that they signed up to our mailing list directly via our website and hit the sign up button on the email they subsequently received. Or through legitimate interest on your behalf. If you have downloaded a release from one of our third party download sites (like Bandcamp), purchased or donated to Records On Ribs we consider it to be legitimately interesting to you to receive this information.

You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time and if you wish to do so it is a single click process.


The majority of personal data held by Records On Ribs is held by third parties and we choose best in class providers who will keep your data secured. Our own websites are secured to the best of our ability. In the case of a breach in either these third party providers or on Records On Ribs servers themselves where personal data is accessed we will inform you immediately.


We retain your email on our mailing list as long as you do not unsubscribe, at which point we delete it. You retain other information as long as third party services like Google, PayPal and S3Stat retain them. For example Google Analytics stores the anonymised data it collects for fifty months. However we endevour to clean up these services or re-seek consent every three years.

If you wish to see the data Records On Ribs has on you and have it corrected, updated or deleted please email hello@recordsonribs.com and we will process your request within the legally mandated timeframes.

Changes To This Policy

Changes to this policy will be sent to our email list and this page on our website will be updated.

Contacting Us

For further information on our privacy policy please contact hello@recordsonribs.com

Cookie Policy

See our Cookie Policy.

21 April 2017

Talk Less Say More – Bonfire Night

Posted by Alex at 9:13 am

We are very proud to announce today the release of Talk Less Say More – Bonfire Night. The final album from Talk Less Say More. Its a brilliant record you should download right now. It will shortly be available everywhere you can find music online.

For me personally this is a happy moment and a sad one. Its a happy moment because I think this . The last track is particularly beautiful. But it is a moment tinged with melancholy because it puts to bed a project I have been peripheral to for a lot of my life.

Enjoy the record.

2 June 2016

Les Étoiles – Alight, Alight

Posted by Alex at 8:59 pm

We are very pleased and excited to announce the forthcoming release of Alight, Alight – the fourth album by Les Étoiles.

It will be available here from 1st July for free download as well as on iTunes, Spotify, TIDAL and anywhere else you would want to listen.

Alight, Alight is Les Étoiles’ most beautifully unadorned album. With only sparse piano arrangements for accompaniment, these songs have a quiet intensity that brings to mind not only the solo work of Talk Talk’s Mark Hollis but also early Low at their most austere.

Alight, Alight is a collection of thoughtful reminiscences of time spent in Wales, London and Shropshire and, in the case of ‘Where We Will Live’, a dream of an idyllic life in rural Italy.

Featuring songs both old and new, with only the opening track ‘Empty Carriage’ having been heard before, Alight, Alight serves as a fitting retrospective of David’s songwriting to date. Even the title recalls that of his first album and suggests the closing of a circle, or the completion of a long journey home.

To coincide with the release, Les Étoiles will be performing at the Gallery Café in London on Saturday 2 July.

You can listen to She Was right now:

18 February 2015

Les Étoiles – Complete Great Northern Railway Tavern Sessions

Posted by Alex at 11:07 pm

In November 2014 Les Étoiles filmed a series of three live performances at the Great North Railway Tavern in Hornsey, London.

Filmed and edited by James Taylor and Chris Loy, I am sure you will agree they are quite beautiful renderings of Les Étoiles songs, presented here in glorious high definition. Hearty thanks to them.

Thanks also to the staff of the pub who put up with us taking over their gig room and being patient when we had quiet on set.


13 October 2014

Les Étoiles – New EP Your Roots, Your Bones – New Music Video

Posted by Alex at 9:02 am

We are extremely pleased to announce a new EP from Les Étoiles, entitled Your Roots, Your Bones.

The five track EP will be released on the 14th of November 2014 and there will be a launch event that we will let you know about nearer the time. Like everything Les Étoiles records it is a tremendous work of careful minimalism, tender lyrics and attention to detail – truly autumnal in composition.

In addition to this, Les Étoiles has made a gorgeous video for the title track. The piece is not filmed, but is the result of stitching together hundreds of high speed photographs taken on the Severn Valley Railway in Shropshire. If you like it, please help us distribute it as widely as possible by sharing it on social networks you might use. This is the first in a series of video pieces from Les Étoiles and is Records On Ribs’ first real foray into the medium.


4 August 2014

New Records From Surfacing And All The Empires Of The World

Posted by Alex at 1:24 pm

Here at Records On Ribs we are very excited to announce three upcoming records.

The first is the debut full length from Nottingham based Surfacing. Eponymously titled, this is an intriguing, experimental record melding together everything from black metal to folk to Hessle Audio style minimalist post-dubstep dance. It also features ROR co-founder David Bell on vocals and laptops.

Second up, avant-metal sorts All The Empires of The World are bringing out two records in quick succession very soon.

The first is Sunscraper – which is as euphoric and symphonic as it is sublime and ridiculous. Sunscraper goes where few albums would dare to tread; a masterpiece of doom metal that effortlessly plumbs earthly depths and scales celestial heights. It’s emotionally powerful too: by far and away the most vocal-centric Empires album yet, it expresses both desperation in the face of eternity and immense joy in love and human kindness. There are some lovely moments here that head towards folk.

The second is CVRSES Without doubt this is the heaviest All the Empires album yet, and that’s saying something. The bone crushing enormity of their earlier albums is retained, but there’s a newfound ferocity and desperation on display too. Its bleak, fast as hell and throughly magnificent.

We’ll have a sampler of both records ready for you very soon.

25 February 2014

A Violent Winter

Posted by Dave at 1:02 pm

Records on Ribs is just over 6 years old now. Our latest release – Talk Less Say More’s Violent – is flying off the shelves. Cerebal Rift gave it a whopping 9/10 with praise for its songcraft, its production and – well – lots more besides.


And now you can go back in time to those halcyon days of 2008 when EL Heath’s Winter Soundtrack was released by popping over to Eric’s own Plenty Wenlock label and buying a limited edition CD version of that fine album (see pic above), which has been remixed by Eric and  remastered by Mike Rowley (epic45, The Arm, Component#4) for the occasion; and which comes in a handmade paper sleeve hand-stamped with new artwork by Victoria Clinton Fine Art.

Here’s to another 6 years!

25 November 2013

Talk Less Say More get Violent

Posted by Dave at 5:11 pm


We’re delighted to announce that we’ll be releasing Talk Less Say More’s album Violent in February of next year. The follow-up to 2012’s critically acclaimed England Without Rain, it’s another stonking record full of hooks, curveballs and hands-in-the-air triumph. Like its predecessor, though, there’s a darkness (a violence, even) lurking in the background.

With an expanded instrumental palette and stunning songwriting we’re confident you’ll love it. It’ll be released on 9th February as high quality MP3/FLAC and on CD.

27 December 2012

2012 Into 2013 – Roundup and Blue Ducks – Heavy Air

Posted by Alex at 2:52 pm

This year has been a relatively quiet one at Records On Ribs towers. Yet we still managed to put out perhaps our most critically acclaimed release to date, Talk Less, Say More‘s England Without Rain.

But don’t take our word for it. England Without Rain was named by Fwonk* as Number 1 in the Top 10 Netaudio Releases Of 2012.

a netlabel release without parallel anywhere. In fact this is the best record of the year, period. It hasn’t been off my MP3 player since it was released.

This album doesn’t contain a duff track, a bum note or a single foot wrong. It’s perfect.

It redefines and reclaims pop music as a genre – begone you Simon Cowell generated karaoke-bots, begone you factory assembled hit machine girl bands! This is original, electro-pop music as a work of art, something that is lovingly created, rather than cynically, synthetically packaged.

This album absolute pings with imagination, creativity, wit and it’s impossible not to get excited by that.

Part of this is precisely what we have always tried to do with Records On Ribs: produce music using this distribution model that is better than music available elsewhere. So if you haven’t heard it yet, have a listen to England Without Rain through download right now.

In early January we’ll be putting out All The Empires Of World‘s latest. A record long awaited, it differs in mood (considerably bleaker) and mode (considerably harder, perhaps more experimental) than previous outings. Have a listen here:

On March 5th we’ll be putting out a record we are really very excited about, Heavy Air by Blue Ducks. Blue Ducks first full length recording, Heavy Air finds Justin leaping from behind the decks to take to the microphone for the first time, still combining it with his dreamy glitched production. Here is a little flavour from the record:

2013 marks the 5th year of us doing Records On Ribs. For old times sake, here is what the preview home page used to look like! We’ll be celebrating in style, but watch this space as to how!

26 May 2012

Cookies Policy

Posted by Alex at 12:49 am

Cookies are small pieces of text that are placed on your computer by most websites you visit. They contain brief bits of information that are sent back to the site by your web browser when you next visit. They enable site functionality in various ways. For example, when you log into a websites, then the fact you are logged in is stored in a cookie so you don’t need to login in again for a while. Or, if you save a preference on a website, then a cookie will be stored on your computer so the website ‘remembers’ this preference. You can find more details on the About Cookies webpage.

Here at Records On Ribs we use cookies very little throughout the site. By browsing the site we assume it is cool for us to set them. However, if you’d prefer not, then their are details below on how to turn them off.

Cookies We Set

  • Mint – Mint allows us to see which pages of the site and, for example, see which artists and which releases are the most popular. Like Google Analytics below, it’s basically a glorified way of counting visitors. It also lets us see what websites are linking to us (so we can pick up reviews mostly) and roughly where people are located. This data is fully anonymous and we can never identify individual users or patterns of use through this information.
  • RibcageRibcage is the WordPress plugin that runs our site. It sets one cookie that tells it not to bother with asking the visitor to the site for a donation again if they have already dismissed it for a while. Only fair, right?

Third Party Cookies

A few of the things we use to make the site set cookies.

  • Google Analytics – the popular service run by Google provides us with analysis of how users of the site use it. We use it we can basically judge how much Records On Ribs is used and so we can analyse what this means and improve the site. This data is entirely anonymous – Google have comprehensive information on how they use Cookies.
  • Share This – this allows you to share our content on popular scholar networks like Facebook and Twitter. Share This works out if you are logged into their service or not, as you can hook it up to lots of social networks so you can instantly share our pages, music and downloads.

Turning Off Cookies

If you decide to turn off cookies from Records On Ribs, the About Cookies website contains all the information you need to block and manage cookies. If you are on mobile device you may have to consult the manual of the device for instructions.